
Tuesday 14 February 2012

Lightening-fast pizza dough (home made, the crunchy, yummy kind)

2 wine glasses plain flour
¼ cup strained yogurt
oil (as much as yogurt)
2 tbsp baking powder
1-2 tsp sugar
lukewarm water, 1/4-1/2 cup

Mix everything, knead well on floured surface, for AT LEAST 3 MINUTES (it brings out the moisture and you may need to add a bit more flour - the less flour you put, the softest the dough), leave to set while you prepare the toppings (inside the microwave is a nice spot), roll out on a greased dish, cover with toppings, bake, then and enjoy. Makes one average pizza. Leave out the extra cheese. It's greasy and heavy on your stomach (and your figure)!


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