
Wednesday, 17 October 2012


I miss blogging. I really do. It's a way of reminding myself that I'm really there, you know, the "me" me, and not the other me who constantly has something to do. It might sound like whining, but no, I love being super busy. Otherwise I guess I wouldn't be. But sometimes, those little sneaky moments that give the just-stole-the-last-cookie feeling, are when you wish you actually had a magic wand and paused time for a moment. Or two. Or an hour. Without making a difference. Without anyone missing you. With only you missing others, so then you would start time back again.

If you're here reading what I write in this post, if you happen to be that one of the zillion persons breathing right now, who stopped for a few seconds by my blog, I ask you: do you like traveling? In any way (cause there are many). And have you discovered the cheapest way of all for a get away? It's here, hidden in this message, if only I rearrange the letters you'll be able to see as well. Yes. That's the answer. The letters. I always thought I should call it books, or reading, or even words maybe. But no. It's the letters. The letters make us happy. Or sad. Concentrated. Or lost.

The letters, my friend. The letters.

Follow them.

To the end of time.